ImageGear Professional v18.2 > User Guide > Using ImageGear > Optical Character Recognition > Working with the ImageGear Recognition Component > Distributing Recognition Engine Files with Your Application > Distributing Recognition Engine Files for the Asian OCR Feature |
These files can be found under dll\Bin\Resource\Recognition and should be distributed to a subdirectory …\Resource\Recognition\ under the directory containing the recognition component dll.
Files needed for performing recognition of Asian languages:
Asian.dll |
big5.cjkset |
BIG5_GlyphMap_MingLiu.dat |
bigramh.dat |
bigramz.dat |
cbigram.dat |
chs.mb |
cht.mb |
cylm.elm |
datasim.dat |
engdic.dat |
engidx.dat |
errstore.dat |
EUC-CN.cjkset |
EUC-JP.cjkset |
EUC-TW.cjkset |
GB18030.cjkset |
GB2312_GlyphMap_song.dat |
gbk.cjkset |
hangullb.dat |
HKscs-2004.cjkset |
japan.mb |
jpcode.uni |
jpprint.dat |
jpprint2.dat |
jpserht.dat |
jptree.dat |
korean.mb |
KOREAN_GlyphMap_GungsuhChe.dat |
krcode.uni |
krdist.dat |
krprint.dat |
krserht.dat |
krtree.dat |
kszp.dat |
LMQuery.dll |
lookup.dat |
mojilist.dat |
ocrhc.dat |
ocrvc.dat |
quantifi.dat |
sccode.uni |
scprint.dat |
scprint2.dat |
scserht.dat |
sctree.dat |
shift_jis.cjkset |
sizes.dat |
SJIS_GlyphMap_MSMinCho.dat |
tccode.uni |
tcprint.dat |
tcprint2.dat |
tcserht.dat |
tctree.dat |
tw_bu.dat |
tw_gu.dat |
tw_ku.dat |
tw_su.dat |
tw_ub.dat |
tw_ug.dat |
tw_uk.dat |
tw_us.dat |
TWBIG532.dll |
twcutchr.dll |
twcutckr.dll |
twcutle.dll |
twcutlin.dll |
twcutlkr.dll |
TWForm.dll |
TWGB32.dll |
twksc32.dll |
TWLAY32.dll |
tworient.dll |
twpost32.dll |
twpostk.dll |
twrecc.dll |
twrece.dll |
twrecj.dll |
twreck.dll |
twrecs.dll |
TWReverse.dll |
TWSJIS32.dll |
twstruct.dll |
uhc.cjkset |
unoun.dat |
uzu_n.dat |
zbigramk.dat |